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Feedback sought from Pedestrians, Cyclists and Bus Users in the Thornbury to Bradley Stoke Area

South Gloucestershire Council would love to hear your feedback on proposals to improve walking, cycling and travelling by bus in the following areas:

  • Thornbury and the B4061 Alveston Hill between Thornbury and Alveston
  • The A38 corridor between Thornbury and Aztec West
  • Bradley Stoke Way between Aztec West and Great Stoke Roundabout

You have until midnight on Monday 14 March 2022 to submit your views on the Thornbury to Bradley Stoke proposed travel improvements. For further information or to provide feedback, visit

These proposals are being developed by South Gloucestershire Council as part of a wider programme of bus and cycle investment across the West of England by the Combined Authority. Funding for the improvements will be provided by the Combined Authority’s funding from Central Government and will not impact on funds available in South Gloucestershire for other council services.

South Gloucestershire Council will also be hosting a series of public drop-in sessions so that you can look at the proposals, meet the project team and have your questions answered.

These sessions are as follows:

Monday, 28 February – 2.30pm-6pm – The Garden Room, Turnberries, Thornbury

Tuesday, 1 March – 3pm-7pm – Kipling Room, Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre

Thursday, 3 March – 3pm – 7pm – Old School House, Almondsbury

The aim is to try to reduce the delays buses currently experience approaching key junctions along this route, particularly between the M5 and Thornbury.

In addition they want to look at facilities provided at bus stops, adding bus shelters and ensuring that they meet basic standards for accessibility. They believe improved junctions, bus lanes, better bus stops and pedestrian crossings will make using buses more reliable and attractive to use.

South Gloucestershire Council will also be looking at creating safer facilities to keep cyclists separated from traffic and pedestrians, including new cycle tracks and in some locations a reduction in speed limit.

If you have any questions or would like to request a paper copy of the proposals you can email