The Voice and Influence Partnership event Black Lives Matter – reforming the Norm is now available for catch up on our YouTube channel.
Held as part of Black History Month the event was hosted by Rachel de Garang from the Voice and Influence Partnership. Rachel was joined by two fantastic guest speakers Elysse Lawrence and Donnell Asare with Donnell performing his powerful new poem ‘Calabash’, written especially for the event. The panel discussion was followed by a lively and interesting Q&A session.
The event is BSL interpreted and subtitles are available by choosing the option to display captions/subtitles on YouTube.
Some of the issues discussed were the experience of black people during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) events including the impact and how they managed it, reflections on conversations held with black and white friends and acknowledgement that not all members of the black community necessarily hold the same opinion.
The panel members also talked about how they dealt with offensive comments and channelled their anger, the pulling down of the Edward Colston statue; what the term ‘white privilege’ meant and whether the use of terms such as ‘people of colour’ allowed the status quo to continue.
Watch the event in full, including the Q&A by following this link to our YouTube channel.