North Somerset Wellbeing Service run a range of group wellbeing courses and activities for adults living in North Somerset, who are in need of mental health support. They aim to help people develop skills to manage their own mental wellbeing and recovery journey.
They have several new wellbeing courses starting in the New Year. The following course are all being run on Zoom:
- Understanding and Managing Emotional Intensity – Starting Tuesday 4th January, 11am-12pm for 8 weeks.
- Food and Mood – Starting Wednesday 12th January, 1-2pm for 4 weeks.
- Understanding and Managing Anger – Starting Thursday 24th February, 11am-12pm for 6 weeks.
You can reserve a place, or find out more information about the courses on their website Upcoming courses | North Somerset College | Second Step ( If you have any questions contact or call on 0333 023 3504.