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Bristol’s strategy for children, young people and families

Bristol’s Strategy for Children, Young People and Families

A citywide strategy for children, young people and families is being developed by a cross sector working group that report to the Children and Families Partnership Board.  The strategy will include a clear shared vision for Bristol and priorities for 2016-2020.  An annual action plan will set out how these will be achieved.

The strategy will connect education, safeguarding, health and early intervention and will form an agreement across the Children and Families Partnership.  It will provide the strategic context to drive future commissioning and show how partners will work together to improve children’s wellbeing.

This is not a refresh of an existing strategy or plan, but will build on, pull together and signpost to a number of existing strategic documents from across the partnership.

To read more click here

Bristol City Council would like your views at this early stage of development. A short survey can be accessed using the following link:

The survey will ask your opinions on:

  • A draft vision
  • A proposed outcome framework
  • A draft set of priorities

Please contact Bonnie Curran, or Sue Long if you require further information.