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Invitation to participate in designing an optimal prison mental health service model

The NHS England Mental Health Secure Care Policy Team, and NHS England Health and Justice Central Support Team, are planning four one day workshops in April, May and June 2017, to design an optimum mental health service model for piloting across the Secure and Detained prison estate. This is an opportunity to look at what the data is telling us, as well as hearing from lived experience, and utilising this into designing new service models to address mental health needs within prison settings.

As you may be aware, NHS England Health and Justice recently published their Strategic Direction for 2016-20,  this contained a commitment to “Support the development of mental health, substance misuse and earlier crisis care for children, young people and adults in the criminal justice system” as well as “Developing a new mental health specification in the adult secure and detained estate”.  These workshops are intended to inform the development of the new service specification, as well as design a model for testing.

We would like a cross section of participants in these workshops, including providers, clinicians, governors, commissioners, charities, experts by experience, and carers. Participants should be able to commit to attend all or most of the workshops in order for the co design model to work.

The dates for these all day workshops (10.30 – 16:00), are as follows:

25 April 2017

16 May 2017

6 June 2017

20 June 2017

They will all take place at Avonmouth House, 6 Avonmouth St, London SE1 6NX. This is a short walk from Elephant & Castle underground station.

Please RSVP for these dates to E: