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Latest news from Bristol City Council

Bristol City Council wrote:

Spotlight on our Draft Corporate Strategy We are currently facing a serious financial challenge and we need to find ways to save money, fund our most important services and serve a growing population. If we don’t take action we expect to face a budget gap of around £92m by March 2022 – this gap is the difference between the funding we have available and what we need to provide services. Spotlight looked to see how you can get more information and have your say. (—bristols-five-year-financial-plan/)


New health advice website launched in Bristol The council has launched a new website ( , LiveWell Bristol ( , making it easier for people to access health advice and local services. Launched during Healthy City Week 2016, the website will help anyone looking for advice about local stop smoking services, weight management, support with drinking, getting active and general wellbeing, as well as providing information about free health checks for those aged 40 – 74. You can also find guidance on how to self-refer to stop smoking services, making it as simple as possible to get support.