Welcome to the October edition of our Public Involvement update from the Public Involvement Programme (PIP) at NICE. For more information about how we involve patients and the public in NICE’s work please visit our get involved page on the NICE website. If you would like information on all of NICE’s work, please subscribe to our e-newsletter and alerts. NICE is also on Twitter – for news and updates please follow @NICEComms. For messages specifically from the PIP @NICEGetInvolved
Healthwatch organisations and national patient, carer and voluntary organisations are welcome to get involved in the development of NICE guidance if you would like to. To do this for clinical, public health, social care guidance and quality standards, you will need to register as a stakeholder organisation for the specific topics of interest to you. NICE stakeholder registration.
If you have any comments about the content of this update or ideas about what you’d like to see in the next edition, please contact sally.taylor@nice.org.uk