As part of the Mental Health Service review programme NHS England are launching the 90 day public consultation on the five following service specifications for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs) Tier 4
- C11/S/a Child & Adolescent Medium Secure Service Specification (draft)
- C11/S/b Child & Adolescent Low Secure Service Specification (draft)
- C11/S/c Child & Adolescent Forensic Outreach Service Specification (draft)
- C11/S/d Child & Adolescent PICU Service Specification (draft)
- C07/S/a CAMHS T4 General Adolescent Service Specification (draft)
These specifications have been developed with the support of lead clinicians and patient and public representatives. This approach has ensured that the views of stakeholders have informed the development and now NHS England is undertaking a formal 90 day public consultation. NHS England will also be hosting a series of webinars and face to face events in the New Year and will share the dates and times once they have been confirmed.
The new specifications once finalised will play an important part in NHS England work to reconfigure services to ensure improvements in local overall pathway integration, improvements in local access and reductions in travel times and out of area placements.
The closing date for responses is 28 February 2016