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South Gloucestershire: Free Mental Health Training Courses

These courses aim to increase knowledge, skills and awareness of mental health issues, which can be applied at work or life in general – only available for people who live or work in South Gloucestershire.  They are open to anyone who would like to increase their knowledge and understanding.  Most of them are based at Kingswood civic centre.  You can sign up for these courses by accessing the training portal at:

Mental Health Awareness

1 day course

For participants from a variety of settings and backgrounds to gain a basic awareness of mental health. This one day course will place emphasis on the social aspects of mental health including the stigma of mental ill health and some of the equal opportunities issues within the field. The perspectives of people who experience mental health problems will be central to the day. Participants will be given the opportunity to to identify key factors that affect our mental health, and understand more about key medical classifications of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression.  The course will also explore the services that are available and consider what is helpful for people experiencing stress or mental distress.

Mental Health First Aid

2 day course

Mental Health First Aid is the help given to someone experiencing a mental health problem before professional help is obtained. Mental Health First Aid does not teach people to be therapists. However, it does teach people how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help and how to guide a person towards appropriate help. The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in promoting positive emotional and mental health.   Participants will learn how to preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problems developing into a more serious state; promote the recovery of good mental health and provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem.

Connect 5

2.5 days

The Connect 5 programme is an accessible, evidence based training that is relevant to whole of the health and care workforce. It provides participants with skills and competencies that build confidence in having conversations about mental health and wellbeing in their routine practice. It is an evidenced based collaborative prevention toolkit that promotes psychological knowledge, understanding and awareness and the development of skills, which empower people to take proactive steps to build resilience and look after themselves.
The program has been designed to support practice change for anyone in a helping role.


2 day course

Applied Suicide Prevention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two day course that prepares caregivers including those in professional roles to provide suicide life-assisting, first aid intervention. ASIST teaches Pathways for Assisting Life (PAL), which is a practical guide to undertaking suicide interventions. The training will enable participants to develop confidence and skills through observation and supervised simulation (role play and skills practice) in small groups. During the course you will have an opportunity to explore personal or professional experiences of suicide and space and support to focus on how your experiences with suicide impact on your beliefs and attitudes about using suicide first aid. It is anticipated that everyone taking part in the course will do so with the intention of becoming a registered ASIST Caregiver.


safeTALK is a half-day training in suicide alertness. It helps participants recognize a person
with thoughts of suicide and connect them with resources who can help them in choosing
to live.  Participants don’t need any formal preparation to attend the training—anyone
aged 15 or older who wants to make a difference can learn the safeTALK steps.