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NHS England: A £9 million programme to spot heart conditions earlier will save at least 200 lives and offer protection to thousands more. The

For the first time last year, the NHS in England carried out more than two million checks on people who feared they might have cancer.

The first children to receive a game-changing personalised therapy for cancer will start treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London this week. A

A mental health network and Public Health England have issued a guide for commissioners and others interested in depression in older people.   It

We believe that people in the south west should receive the best possible services, especially when they most need support. The Care Forum is

The Department of Health and Social Care notes the petition’s call for the banning of medical intervention to change gender, whether surgical or by the

The results of the 2017 maternity survey published today show that women are reporting a more positive experience of maternity care and treatment. The

Bristol’s re-commissioned Recovery Orientated Alcohol & Drugs Service (ROADS) went live 1 February 2018. The services are commissioned by Bristol City Council and provide

New specialists will speed up cancer diagnoses and improve access to treatment. The NHS is to employ more cancer specialists, to speed up cancer diagnoses

Guidance on making and recovering charges for NHS hospital treatment from overseas visitors not exempt from charge. Preparatory guidance has been published for NHS bodies