The Care Forum’s Dialogue Team is launching their Age Well Groups.
The role of this group is to provide older people living in South Gloucestershire with the opportunity to express their views, and help influence the decisions at local level that affect their lives.
The Care Forum and Dialogue are passionate about placing peoples thoughts and experiences at the center of our thinking as we help shape health and care, engagement and other services across South Gloucestershire.
The purpose of the group is to:
• Give members the opportunity to represent their communities and bring their views to meetings and sessions which we can feed back to South Gloucestershire Council
• Create and maintain good links with decision makers in local government and ensure communication is a two way channel, meaning we hear back from South Gloucestershire Council
• Act on issues that are important to people living in south Gloucestershire and to work at its own pace
We are looking for people over the age of 55 who live in South Gloucestershire to attend our groups to talk about a particular topic that effects them.
Attendees will be entered into a prize draw for a gift voucher for taking part. There will also be food provided.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in taking part or you would like to take part then please contact us;