In year three of The Voice and Influence Partnership (VIP) we introduced our VIP Community Funds.
The VIP model was designed to address some of the key challenges that small grassroots and community organisations face when applying for funding. We have put together an impact report so that we can share the model, its outcomes and our learning with the sector, you can download a copy by following this link.
We also produced a short film profiling some of the funded projects where you can hear from people who received one of the grants and those who benefited from the work it funded. You can watch the film by following this link.
The VIP Community Funds
We created a fund for each of the equalities communities we work with:
- Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Fund – delivered by The Care Forum
- Disabled People’s Fund – delivered by WECIL
- People of Faith Fund – delivered by The Ammerdown Centre
- LGBTQ+ Communities Fund – delivered by OTR
- Older People’s Fund – delivered by BOPF
The first grants were awarded at the start of 2020 with projects across the funds taking place up until the Partnership finished its current contract with Bristol City Council in September 2021.
The Community Funds model and resources were created centrally and the model adapted and delivered by each of the Delivery Partners for their communities.
The funds awarded micro grants which ranged in value from £250 – £600, dependent on the levels chosen by each Delivery Partner.
Over £15,300 of funding was delivered direct to 39 projects and 37 different organisations.