I would like to invite you to participate in a survey monkey as part of the Cluster-based multi-disciplinary team working project.
This project is part of the BNSSG Sustainability and Transformation Plan which outlines a system wide programme of change, with the aims of closing the quality, capacity and financial gaps across the system.
There are three main themes within the STP:
- Prevention, Early Intervention and Self Care
- Integrated Primary and Community Care (IPCC)
- Acute Care Collaboration
The IPCC workstream, has the following aims:
- Early intervention and management to keep people as well as possible, improving the stability of their health and wellbeing
- Supporting independence, so that people enjoy the best quality of life possible in their places of residence
- Personalising care and support planning to ensure patients and their families have increased choice, flexibility and control over their health, care and well-being
Cluster-based Multi-Disciplinary Team Working – project overview
The vision is for more care and support to be delivered in the community / primary care setting by well-informed, highly skilled Multidisciplinary Teams at GP cluster level. The project will support an integrated model of health and social care, using MDTs, with the aim of improving efficiency, increasing GP capacity, reducing duplication and improving patient experience.
The Cluster-based MDT Working Delivery Board is responsible for proposing, consulting on and agreeing what the model for cluster-based working should be. It is made up of representatives from across the health and care system, including providers, One Care (representing GPs as providers), voluntary and community sector and commissioners, and is led by Judith Brown (Chief Executive of North Somerset Community Partnership), Dr Katrina Boutin (GP and One Care Board member) and Dr Shruti Patel (GP and One Care Board member).
It is acknowledged that there are a range of views on the potential advantages and disadvantages of Cluster-based MDT working. With this in mind, we have designed the attached survey to gain as many views from stakeholders as possible as to what services could be delivered at a cluster level. We recognise that there are some services that will be best delivered at practice level and should continue to do so and some that should be delivered at greater scale e.g. across the whole of BNSSG.
We need your help to identify the best possible model for our population.
Please note that the survey is open between 1st and 22nd June. We welcome responses from teams as well as individuals.