In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to ensure we are taking care of our wellbeing. Supportive Parents have launched an amazing FREE resource; The Wellbeing Hub, created especially for young people in Bristol and North Somerset with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The Wellbeing Hub – What is it?
The Hub is an online portal which provides young people with access to information about local services which can support wellbeing. It is full of helpful videos and information from wonderful partner organisations across Bristol and North Somerset, showcasing a range of activities and opportunities to get involved with.
The Wellbeing Hub is based on the 5 Ways of Wellbeing – it focuses on the 5 steps we can take to improve our wellbeing:
You can find a link to The Wellbeing Hub on the homepage of the website www.supportiveparents.org.uk or by clicking here.
They have recently added a new resource to the Wellbeing Hub which breaks down key information for children and young people with SEND about returning to school after lockdown.
As its name suggests, the Wellbeing Hub promotes wellbeing for people with special educational needs and / or disabilities. In these difficult times, it ensures that information to support wellbeing can be obtained in an accessible video format at any time, day or night.
Who are Supportive Parents & SP 16-25?
Supportive Parents was originally set up as a charity in 1989 by local parents and professionals when they realised they could help children and young people with SEND more effectively, by working together.
The charity now works across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire supporting young people aged up to 25 and their families by providing a Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service, often called a SENDIAS service. The service is free, confidential and impartial.
They also host support groups, events and training courses. They can help from the earliest concerns into further education and adulthood.
They aim to empower children, young people and their parents to play an active and informed role in their child’s education and in preparation for adult life.
As well as offering advice, resources and guides to families, there is specific information for children and 16- to- 25-year-olds with SEND to access on the Supportive Parents website, under the heading SP16-25.