Information from BANES Carers Centre The Coronavirus outbreak creates a worrying and challenging time for unpaid carers and I wanted to update you on what we are
A course for parents and carers who have a child awaiting assessment or who have recently (in the past year) been given a diagnosis
Lighthouse Carers Group meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 10.30 to 12.30 at St Nicholas Church, Nore Road, Portishead. For more
Complete the survey at: by 19 January 2020 (date for comments has been extended). For a paper copy or alternative formats email:
Considerate Friends are a group of unpaid family carers and disabled people who visit local services to suggest recommendations and improvements for disabled people,
Parents, carers, professionals alongside children and young people with sensory needs in the west of England, are being asked to share their views about
The Care Forum is currently working on a project with NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSI) over the next six weeks to find
Bath and North East Somerset Council is currently reviewing the way it provides advocacy services. Independent advocacy is concerned with maximising people’s involvement in
Woodland Wellbeing provides a space for people with dementia and their carers to spend quality time together in the relaxing environment of a local
You are invited to the following event, which will be useful to you whether you are a parent concerned about your child’s needs in school or
Bristol based Parenting Courses Term 2 2018-19 co-ordinated by the Families In Focus Parenting Team All courses are Free & Term Time Only (Unless