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Quartet Community Foundation will be managing funding grants using Bristol Community Health’s (BCH) residual reserves. This funding will be launched by Quartet in the

Funding is available to support women ages 16+ to get active by offering grants to local projects that will contribute to overcoming the barriers

Nursing students will benefit from guaranteed, additional support of at least £5,000 a year to help with living costs. The funding will be given

NHS England and NHS Improvement will be awarding grants of up to £2500 to a number of projects that showcase good practice around patient

Any community group or charity within the Bristol Water area can apply and the fund must go to a specific project that you are

Suicide is a devastating event.  It is an individual tragedy, a life-altering crisis for those bereaved and a traumatic event for people within communities

Wessex Water Money Matters Wessex Water believe in helping people to understand financial matters and take effective decisions regarding money. Wessex Water is working