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Covid news for VCSE

Infection prevention and control are essential to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This video-based course for care providers in care homes and home

The Care Forum has launched a new survey to gather data on how working and volunteering in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting

More than 2,000 people with autism or a learning disability are currently living in care settings that do not meet their needs.   The King’s

Information and advice for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations during the coronavirus outbreak, including: Guidance for those working in these sectors Guidance about

Refuge have reported a 25 per cent increase in calls and online requests since the lockdown began in March 2020. This quick guide is

After nine years of work, 70,000 prevented hospital stays and 6.5 million contacts with patients, Bristol Community Health is no more. They have planned

The British Psychological Society has produced a resource showing how a compassion focused approach can help people with dementia during the pandemic. It explains

Better Together has opened a new testing facility for those working in the health and care sector, including those in acute care, mental health,

The government has today published an action plan to support the adult social care sector in England throughout the coronavirus outbreak. This will include

There are some new faces in the Dialogue Team at The Care Forum. Stefan Zylinski moves from the Research and Evaluation team at the

The coronavirus pandemic poses clear and obvious dangers to the health of individuals who are infected with the virus. But a new report from

While much of the COVID-19 media coverage has centered around hospitals, professionals in every health care setting are facing difficult care decisions because of