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Positive Step offer a range of groups and courses covering a variety of subjects.  To book onto one of the courses, please call us

The programme in Sheffield, developed by the NHS, the Children’s Sleep Charity and Sheffield City Council, delivers sleep clinics to children from troubled backgrounds

Healthy Weston consultation extended to noon 14 June 2019. It’s not too late to have your say! Relevant documents and information can be found

Tuesday 4 June, 1pm to 4pm, The Station Silver Street BS1 2AG The event is open to Bristol Mental Health Service Users and Carers. 

A free event for children and young adults up to 25 years with disabilities and additional needs, their families, carers and all the professionals

The course will take place on Tuesday 9th July, 6-9pm (arrival at 5.45pm), at the Castlewood council offices in Clevedon. This course is free

Do you enjoy meeting new people, and sharing Bristol’s history? We are looking to recruit new volunteers to help us run our Visitor Centre

We are announcing the dates for our LAST 5-week pre-employment/confidence-building course, Better Together. We have been lucky enough that Burges Salmon are kindly letting

Our next Multi Agency Network Meeting (MANS Meeting) is to be held in East Central Bristol on: Wednesday 12th June from 8.45am to 12.30pm at

The Community Navigators, Linkage and the ARK are having an afternoon pop up this coming Saturday 1-3 pm outside the Sea Mills Methodist Church

Sight Loss Event for Blind and Visually Impaired in Bristol Midweek Pub Social Bath Coffee & Convo VWE’s Coffee morning Yate Coffee and Convo

“Working Together” is the name of WECIL’s 12-week employment course. If you are 18+ and identify as disabled or have a long-term health condition