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Age UK

Both take place on Fridays from 2-3pm, one is run by Age UK at Scotch Horn Leisure Centre; and one is run by Tom

Age UK has published guidance on how to provide support to men aged 65 and older experiencing loneliness and isolation. The guidance is based

For more information, contact Clare on 0117 440 4301 /

Age UK Bristol run weekly drop-in centres to dress leg wounds. It allows the patients to be seen outside of their home or GP,

Age UK campaign “Switched Off: Save Free TV for Older People” For over a million of our oldest citizens the TV is their constant companion

Want to keep active in a fun way? Then Age UK Somerset’s new Extend Movement to Music class in Portishead may be for you!

The Celebrating Age Festival would like to receive nominations for older people (50 years of age and over) from all over Bristol so we

Is your street age friendly? How would you make your area better for older people? Do you have an idea to improve your neighbourhood

Age UK Bristol has announced another of their popular free Tea & Tech sessions, which will have technology experts from Barclays on hand to

Christchurch, Chapel Hill, Clevedon 2-4pm  £2 to include refreshments. All welcome. Music and Fun Poster