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Older men’s experiences of seeking social engagement and combating loneliness in later life. A research project at the University of Bristol Funded by the

Grandmother’s Footsteps: Making a hand plaster cast This hand plaster casting workshop is open to all Grandmothers and their grandchildren to have fun, spend

Opportunity to meet the newly elected West of England Mayor Tim Bowles (WECA website) The West of England Civil Society Partnership is delighted to

In March, the government announced a green paper in response to the overwhelming evidence that the way we support older and disabled people is

Peer Mentor Awareness Day on Wednesday the 7th June 2017! This is a learning event to collaborate and share what works in Peer Mentoring,

Across the South West commissioners are looking to increase the use of co-production in order to design and develop services that are appropriate and

Bristol City Council: Overview This new Bristol Behaviour Change for healthier lifestyles programme is designed to meet the needs of people in the city

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people and their parents or carers. But there are ways